Kafka for .NET Core: A Comprehensive Guide to Event-Driven Messaging

Kafka was initially developed by LinkedIn in 2011 to address the demand for high-velocity event ingestion and processing. Traditional messaging paradigms, such as publish-subscribe brokers and queue-based architectures, struggled with handling large-scale, fault-tolerant event streams. Kafka addressed these limitations with a distributed commit log model, ensuring persistent, replayable, and highly scalable message distribution.

Understanding Entity, Model, ViewModel, and DTO, in C#

Contents Quick Reference Detailed Breakdown 1. Entities – Database Models in Entity Framework Core 2. Models – C# Business Logic Implementation 3. ViewModels – ASP.NET MVC and Blazor Data Presentation 4. DTOs – .NET Microservices and API Communication Common Pitfalls and Best Practices Real-World Example: Building a .NET Enterprise Blog System Best Practices Summary Key … Read more