What is an Echo Server?

A server that returns back the data whatever it receives, is called an Echo Server. This is the same as you call a name in the mountains and hear it returned back or you have echo facility in various sound systems where you can hear your voice returned back.

How to use Server.MapPath in ASP.NET MVC 4?

You can use Server.MapPath in ASP.NET MVC 4 like this:String path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(“~/myFolder/myFile.txt”);You can use the way mentioned above but ASP.NET MVC 4 has another way to map files on server  and that is using HostingEnvironment class. Actually Server.MapPath() also internally calls HostingEnvironment.MapPath() to map the file paths on server. It belongs to the  System.Web.Hosting … Read more

“rem” units in css

Well, if you’re a designer, web developer, you must be aware of rem units. In this post we will go through the basics and learn how to use it. First, lets go through the little basics for those who are not aware of the “rem” unit. As per the specs, we have two kind of Distance Units or the Length type: … Read more

New Inheritance Features in CSS

let’s explore the new inheritance features that you may not be aware of and see where these features fit-in well to use and how to use them effectively.Inheritance in CSS is actually very straightforward. Imagine you had to specify the font-size or font-family of every element, instead of simply adding it to the body element? … Read more

How to convert Visual FoxPro DBF file to Excel in C#

The very first thing as you go start doing this stuff, make sure you’ve downloaded and installed Visual FoxPro Driver on your host machine. Here the link for download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=14839 Use OleDbConnection to get the records into DataTable and later export/write the DataTable to Excel. Here are the complete codes: using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.IO; using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; … Read more

Platforms of Java Programming Language

There are four platforms of Java Programming Language: 1. Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) : Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java SE is a widely used platform for development and deployment of portable applications for desktop and server environments. Java SE uses the object-oriented Java programming language. Strictly speaking, Java SE is a platform specification. … Read more