What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a NoSQL DataBase whose main features include document-oriented storage, full index support, replication and high availability, auto-sharding, querying, fast in-place updates, Map/Reduce, and GridFS.

MongoDB addresses volume, variety, and velocity of data that organizations increasingly have to deal with in the following ways:

  • Massive Data Volumes: MongoDB is designed to scale horizontally on commodity hardware, making it easy to add nodes to a cluster as data volumes and velocities increase. 

  • Real-time demands: As well as supporting the fundamental querying that you’d expect from an operational database, MongoDB’s native Map/Reduce and aggregation framework support real-time analytics and insights.
  • Rapid evolution: An organization’s needs should change as it responds to the information gained from all the data it has access to. MongoDB’s dynamic document schema enables applications to evolve as the needs of the business evolve.
  • Document-Oriented Storage: MongoDB is a document database, meaning that it stores data in semi-structured, JSON-style documents in collections, rather than storing data in tables that consist of rows and columns, as is done with relational databases such as MySQL. MongoDB collections are similar to tables in relational databases, although collections are a lot less rigid.

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