Hey folks. Here I’m sharing a real time heart rate monitor app that I’ve created using SignalR and Ignite UI igSparkline chart. Ignite UI is so cool and comes in very handy when building adaptable UI for Line of Business applications.
Here’s an article, on Getting Started with Ignite UI igGrid from my recent posts:
Download the sample code for this demo from my GitHub Repo:
HeartRate Monitor Using SignalR & igSparkline.
Below is a snapshot of what I’ve built:
Prerequisite: Install Infragistics Ignite UI, if you haven’t installed it yet. (Alternatively, you can use CDN versions of JS scripts and CSS files referred). Here, I assume that you have an idea on how SignalR works.
Create an empty ASP.NET project.
Add SignalR using Nuget.
Read the full article here @ C# Corner
Happy Learning 🙂